From the Family to the Market – the Complexity of the Care Finance

Friday, July 18, 2014: 4:20 PM
Room: 413
Distributed Paper
Natalia MARSKA-DZIOBA , Department of Finance, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
From the family to the market – the complexity of the care finance

The problem of payment for the care delivered to old or/and disabled persons, because of its complexity, is rather difficult and not very popular. Simultaneously, it creates the significant element of the state’s social policy, sometimes being shaped in the previous political regime and  strongly connected with the constitutional guarantee of the special rights given to the dependent persons.

Dependency, despite the development of anti-discrimination legislation and the public perception of disabled, is still one of the main factors of poverty, the stigma and exclusion. Moreover, it affects not only directly a dependent person, but indirectly this persons friends and family, who (in many countries) are legally expected to deliver the care and become fully dependent on the system of public care services.  Along the change of economic regime, we can observe the strengthen of the care recognized as a commodity. This care, no matter the source of finance (public or private) has to be bought on the market.

This paper presents the initial effects of the research grant focused on the theoretical model of financing the care delivered to dependent persons, especially in the situation of social structures evolution and resources limitation. This project finalizes the few-year studies on the original theory of the costs of disability, which systematize the expenses on disability policy and called for transparency and concentration.

The elaboration will focus on the financial situation of caregivers in different social systems. It will compare legal solutions across selected counties, the impact of the financial advantages and disadvantages for the family of dependent person, connections between public and private sources dedicated for care delivery. The discussion over types and forms of care will be tested introducing financial aspects as one of the recommendations.