Lack of Universal School Education: A Potent Agent for Preservation and Propagation of Inequalities in Developing Nations

Monday, July 14, 2014: 4:30 PM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Manmohanjit HUNDAL , School Education, Punjab, India., Dept School Education, Punjab, Kurali, Mohali, India
Education is said to be a social institution that eliminates inequalities through its individual (formation of social personality, social placement, social mobility etc.) and societal (social stability, division of labour, social change etc.) functions. Multitier educational systems in developing capitalist economies like India pose challenges to its functions and marginalise masses. States run schools with school teachers in the possession of unprofessional values catalising this phenomenon. This paper is based on a preliminary study to investigate the prevalence of unprofessional practices among school teachers. Six undesirable values investigated in the study were absenteeism, dereliction of duty, lack of responsibility, discrimination, authoritarianism and commercial venality. A comparative appraisal of undesirable values was also made between government and private school teachers.