The Ambiguous Multiplicities. Crowds over, Across and within Individuals
However, a similar exploration cannot content itself with cultural history, as it inherently triggers a deeper examination of some fundamental puzzles in social epistemology. In a sense, I propose to reverse the question about crowds and other social multiplicities into the question of that is an individual and how can the boundaries of the individual be drawn. Association, I argue, can regarded as process of territorialization which institutes the individual by drawing boundaries which are made of a wide array of counter-balancing forces. The very difference between objects and environments depends upon such territorial acts.
Notably, such transversal vectors which determine the stand-off point between the individual and the crowd can never be found in a state of equilibrium. Rather, they show a kind of meta-stability; in other words, they form a fluctuating threshold of visibility. The constitution of social collectives, I submit as a provisional conclusion, can be best appreciated through a layered model whereby the individual is integrally reconstructed as a region located somewhere inside these thriving states.