Comunity Based Tourism: A Dialogic Proposition Via Local-Base Development

Friday, July 18, 2014: 6:00 PM
Room: 512
Oral Presentation
Tania Maria Freitas BARROS MACIEL , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Monalisa BARBOSA ALVES , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In the inequality context, the theories about development turn to local spaces and a increasingly number of researches have been approaching the relevance of culture, and favoring local experiences, knowledge, traditions, aspirations and needs. It is necessary to understand that local must be perceived within its relations with the globalization process, its differences, specificialities, traditions, and in the continuous processes of change existing in social-cultural processes.  The touristic phenomena - intrinsically related to the globalization process- favors multiple visibilities for new social actors, new identities, new references, and new practices.  This process of exchange due to the articulation of “local\global” shall foresee the development, innovation, and enhancement within a process of construction and re-construction of place.  Besides the globalization process, there is, undoubtedly, the renewal of interest in the local.     A conception of development that approaches the local as reference must rely upon the harmonization of endogenous and exogenous factors, recurring to a combination of selective importations adequate to each reality.  In such perspective, this research aims to analyze Tourism of Communitarian Base (TCB) as a development proposition, where each city must live its own modernity brought by its own multiple, multiform and multidimensional innovations achieved by the adoption of its own innovative and diversified ways of development.  The TCB constitutes a proposition that has great contributions for the local development, as it has as major objectives the social inclusion and equity for the inbound tourist community, the valorization of the culture and traditional knowledge, the experience exchange, and the respect for natural resources.