Child Bearing and Good Mothering: The Case of Turkey

Friday, July 18, 2014: 6:00 PM
Room: 304
Oral Presentation
Zuhal Yonca ODABAS , Sociology, PhD, ERzurum, Turkey
Huseyin ODABAS , Sociology, Mr, ERzurum, Turkey
According to most critical social scientists, the body of woman is accepted as a means of political aspirations of politicians. In this presentation, how the capacity of woman to give a birth is politicised by government of Turkey today. Almost  one year ago, the Minister of Health Affairs in Turkey started to not give permission to use the method of caesarean. And support this policy by using the good mothering discourse.  This presentation is examined the attitude and behavior of pregnant women related to this policy by using qualitative technics. How the participants express themselves as good mother and is there any relation between this feeling and this discourse are the basic questions of this presentation.