Developing a Risk Inventory for the German K.I.D. 0-3 National Prevalence Study of Psychosocial Burdens in Early Childhood

Friday, July 18, 2014: 9:06 AM
Room: Booth 64
Oral Presentation
Christian BRAND , National Centre for Early Interventions, German Youth Institute (Munich), München, Germany
Andreas EICKHORST , German Youth Institute, München, Germany
Katrin LANG , German Youth Institute, München, Germany
Andrea SCHREIER , German Youth Institute, München, Germany
Christoph LIEL , German Youth Institute, München, Germany
Anna NEUMANN , Federal Centre for Health Education, Köln, Germany
Ilona RENNER , Federal Centre for Health Education, Köln, Germany
Early exposure to psychosocial burdens in families with young children has been identified in the psychological child development literature as an important predictor of development deficiencies and a potential risk factor for child neglect and abuse. Its relevance, however, goes beyond the bounds of any particular discipline, not least because the concept is deeply embedded in the prevailing social and policy contexts of any given society. A federal action plan of ‘early intervention’ aimed at children from birth to 36 months of age has been in place in Germany for several years now and ongoing research activities are directed at improving both access to and help for parents in need of support. Nevertheless, it is believed that rather unreliable estimates exist of the prevalence of psychosocial burdens among the group explicitly and exclusively targeted by such initiatives: parents with children in the relevant age bracket. In order to improve the data basis for the federal action plan, a large-scale national prevalence study has been proposed for 2014. Two large pilot studies (n>1.500 and n>10.000), testing the application of a bespoke risk inventory in two different survey types, are underway as of late 2013. This presentation will introduce the conceptual development of said surveys and risk inventory, disseminate early results and reflect on the potential of the planned national prevalence study for improving service planning and risk screening at the local level and subsequently better aiming of early intervention services.