Professions and Multilateral Organization: OECD

Monday, July 14, 2014: 3:42 PM
Room: Annex F205
Oral Presentation
Tor HALVORSEN , University of Bergen, Norway, Bergen, Norway
Professions and multilateral organizations.

As professions globalize by creating their own international organizations, they also diversify  and become more hierachical. In this paper I focus on how professions are beocmeing more hierachical through the support and prestige of multilateral organizations. The case is OECD, whose broad influence makes itslef felt also in areas outside it kernal economic activities is in focus. OECD gives status to some experts and professions as the cost of others. 

The paper discusses how the OECD/profession - link elevates some parts of the profession to position of authority beyonhd the status of the general professions due to the status of the solusitons and choices of OECD. And on the other hand: Are there certain combination of ecuation, work carriers and professional networks that manage to promote themselves through OECD? If that is the case, what consequences does this have for the professions in general as these profession now become more an more globalized?

The focus in in particular on the economist, accountants, agronoms and environmental science.