Identifying Sensitive Questions with Non-Reactive Methods
Non-reactive methods such as measuring response latencies and event tracking adds information to be analyzed without adding load to the respondents. Such events while filling in the questionnaire can be, for example, changing the page and selecting or changing an answer option. Tracking these events not only by time, but with multiple answers over time per item, view the process of completing the questionnaire instead of leaving the black box untouched, which is between handing out the form and getting the (final) responses. In this way it is possible to reveal answers of first choice, response change and page change as event types besides response latencies and the order of completion.
The paradata from a web survey is compared to data from a questionnaire about the perceived social desirability and threat of disclosure of the questions used in the former one. The response patterns uncovered by the event tracking should correlate with these sensitivity measurements. Sensitive questions should have, in addition to the occurrence of non-response, a) higher response latencies, b) multiple page views, c) more response changes and d) lower intra-item correlation between the first and final answer.