Field Fusion— the Experience of Engineering Education in New China's Early Stage

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 11:45 AM
Room: Booth 44
Oral Presentation
Yongmei XIE , Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
The academy and disciplinization of higher engineering education leads to students’ lower engineering ability, which becomes a national common engineering education problem. However, the problem roots in science ideology and social field highly differentiated and autonomy. This study takes Harbin Institute of Technology Welding as an example, offering an early stage practice oriented engineering education experience. New China’s higher education managed by government positively was responsible for the state-building needs. Under given ideology, engineering educational goal and behavior submits to the motto —education serves for politics and combines with production— called for by government, however, which fits the nature of the practice of engineering. Under the concept of objectivity of research and teaching for the needs of major national projects, China has created the interactive mode of “society-engineering-research-teaching”. In a word, this unique phenomenon comes up under the condition that education highly mixed with political field, scientific field and economic field.