The Transicion to Adult Life in Times of Crisis. a Case Study in Spain

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 6:45 PM
Room: F204
Distributed Paper
Mercedes ALCAŅIZ , University Jaume I, Valencia, Spain
Ana MARTI , University Jaume I, Spain
Vicent QUEROL , University Jaume I, Spain

The Transition to Adult life in Times of Crisis. A Case Study in Spain.

Mercedes alcañiz, Ana Martí and Vicent Querol

University Jaume I. Castellón. Spain.

From the start of the crisis in Spain in 2008, the increase of the youth unemployment has been continuous and progressive.

At this moment, at the end of 2003, the unemployment rate is 44.6% for people between 16 to 34 years old and 57.2% for boys and girls of ages 16-24 years old. And for young people working, jobs have been characterized by flexibility, precarity and temporality.

In addition, the high price of housing in Spain with a string family culture has resulted in a large number of young people still living with their parents and that only 22.1% of boys and girls between 16 and 29 years old are living on their own.

The aim of our paper is to show the differences in the transition to adulthood related to several aspects, such sex, age, level of education, training, social class, ethnic group and rural/urban area in order to design a typology of the different transitions that are taking place nowadays.

To do this, we used a qualitative methodology and we performed 40 interviews  to young people with different profiles.