The Relationship Between First Principle Production in Brazil and the International Demand

Friday, July 18, 2014: 11:24 AM
Room: Booth 44
Oral Presentation
Marcio Felipe SALLES MEDEIROS , Student, Brasília, Brazil
The following research approaches the criticism of the production system of knowledge in Brazil, focusing on a laboratory of Theoretical Physics which works with First Principle Model (FPM), order to analyze the institutional dilemma and the relationship between the laboratory and the central spaces of knowledge production linked to this research area. The production of science, how is the current in Social Studies of Science and Technology, demand an articulated network of elements which sustain and make circulate the knowledge production produced inside the area. In the FPM case, the space of production and circulation is very peculiar, since the production involves upgrades in the computers’ servers when acquiring the resource, the lab does not spend much more money; on the other hand, the circulation occurs within the specific circle in physics, because the production not necessarily will become a product since the experimental relevance does not always happen. And yet we have the relationship with central spaces of central places of knowledge production, understood basically by The US and Europe which influence the content and the decisions of productions inside the laboratory. The methodology of this research consists of an interview which researchers and analysis of published material for one label of FPM which is related to a Brazilian University. With the following research, we aim to contribute for the debate about the production process of knowledge, bringing reflexive elements about the role of Brazil in the production of FPM knowledge.