Fairness-Awareness Difference Depending on Form of Employment: The Case of South Korea

Friday, July 18, 2014: 9:30 AM
Room: 414
Distributed Paper
Hyejin JEON , Yonsei University, South Korea
The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the levels of Fairness-awareness and Forms of employment using data from 2009 Korea General Social Survey(KSGG) survey. In the field of Sociology, only few works has been dealing with fairness-awareness itself as a unit of analysis, despite numerous attempts to consider inequality in connection with social status, class, resource allocation and distribution process etc. even that earlier researches have limitations that these studies cannot explain which variable affect fairness-awareness of organization or they only concentrate positive influence of fairness-awareness affect to organization. Grounded on this, I analyze the data concentrating upon the Main Hypothesis which is “there are existing Fairness-awareness difference depending on Form of Employment (Permanent/Temporary)” and demographic variables as a Moderator. And the results are as in the following: (a) Temporary position have an positive effect on Fairness-awareness level of distribution. This direction is reinforced by younger age and (c) low level of education. There is no effect between Fairness-awareness level of procedural and Form of Employment.