Leisure and Health

Saturday, July 19, 2014: 1:30 PM
Room: 501
Oral Presentation
Anju BENIWAL , Govt. Meera Girls College, Udaipur, India
Mental or emotional health refers to overall psychological well-being. It includes the way we feel about ourselves, the quality of our relationships, and our ability to manage our feelings and deal with difficulties. Good mental health isn't just the absence of mental health problems. Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues. Rather than the absence of mental illness, mental and emotional health refers to the presence of positive characteristics. Similarly, not feeling bad is not the same as feeling good. While some people may not have negative feelings, they still need to do things that make them feel positive in order to achieve mental and emotional health.

The positive characteristics of mental and emotional health allow us to participate in life to the fullest extent possible through productive, meaningful activities and strong relationships. Taking care of our body is a powerful first step towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are linked. When we improve our physical health, we’ll automatically experience greater mental and emotional well-being. For example, exercise not only strengthens our heart and lungs, but also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals that energize us and lift our mood. The activities we engage in and the daily choices we make affect the way we feel physically and emotionally. If we maintain a balance between our daily responsibilities and the things we enjoy. If we take care of ourselves, we’ll be better prepared to deal with challenges and feel good.

The purpose of this article is to examine the empirical evidence and describe theoretical perspectives that address under what conditions and why leisure acts can be therapeutic and contribute to mental health.