Inclusion and Structural Processes of Young Recipients of “Unemployment II Benefits”

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 12:00 PM
Room: Booth 60
Distributed Paper
Veronika LEICHT , Promotionskolleg, Ammerndorf, Germany
This paper discusses first findings of a research project that tries to reconstruct biographical developments of young adults who are perceived as especially difficult to “include” – due to their precarious status as recipients of “unemployment II benefits”. I am especially interested in turns of events that appear surprising in the eyes of professionals and of creative “metamorphosis” (Schütze  2001). In terms of biographical analysis a special focus is put on “structural processes” (Schütze 1981) of the young adults. There have been approaches to understand the situation of young people receiving unemployment II benefits in recent studies (i.e. Schreyer/Zahradnik/Götz 2012), but the focus on the biographical context and especially the relationship with relevant professionals is missing so far. Autobiographical-narrative interviews with the target group are being conducted according to the concept of „theoretical sampling“ (Glaser/Strauss 1967). Insights into the interaction with the professionals are gained on the basis of spontaneous narratives of professionals (in this case: counselors in the job center etc.) about the history of their working relationships with clients (Riemann 2000).  

Glaser, Barney G. and Strauss, Anselm L. (1967): The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Chicago: Aldine

Riemann, Gerhard (2000): Die Arbeit in der sozialpädagogischen Familienberatung. Interaktionsprozesse in einem Handlungsfeld der sozialen Arbeit. Weinheim: Juventa.

Schreyer, Franziska; Zahradnik, Franz; Götz, Susanne: Lebensbedingungen und Teilhabe von jungen sanktionierten Arbeitslosen im SGB II. In: Sozialer Fortschritt 9/2012. Accessible at: http://www.sozialerfortschritt.de/zeitschrift/aktuelles (9/30/2013)

Schütze, Fritz (1981): Prozeßstrukturen des Lebensablaufs. In: Joachim Matthes, Arno Pfeifenberger und Manfred Stosberg (eds.): Biographie in handlungswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Kolloquium am Sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungszentrum der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Nuremberg: Verlag der Nürnberger Forschungsvereinigung, pp. 67–156.

Schütze, Fritz   (2001): Ein biographieanalytischer Beitrag zum Verständnis von kreativen Veränderungsprozessen. Die Kategorie der Wandlung. In: Buchholz, R./Gärtner, G./Zehentreiter, F. (eds.): Materialität des Geistes. Zur Sache Kultur – im Diskurs mit Ulrich Oevermann. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft, pp. 137-162.