The Potential of Telecare/Aal Technologies for Enabling ‚Ageing in Place‘ in Rural Areas in Poland and Germany
This research analyzes the potential of telecare/AAL technologies for improving older people’s quality of life based on two explorative pilot studies focusing on the provision of telemedical services to senior citizens. Thereby, the analysis considers opportunities as well as risks of telecare/AAL application in older people’s homes. In the Małopolska region, a group of older people was provided with telecare/telehealth equipment monitoring bodily functions, such as ECG or blood pressure, which are monitored by telemedical/telecare systems enabling remote examination, consultation, and diagnosis. The German study takes a slightly different approach in focusing on matching older people with an interest in AAL/telecare technologies with providers of the latter. The process will be evaluated in a longitudinal user survey measuring their experiences before, during and after using the technology, which in turn will be compared with findings from an independent sample.