Language and symbolic thought in Albert Einstein’s relative space-time: new interdisciplinary perspectives in Einstein’s Mechanics of relativity

Saturday, July 19, 2014: 10:50 AM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Nildson ALVARES MUNIZ , Independent Researcher, Brazil
Our paper  discusses Albert Einstein’s conceptual ontology with special focus on the grounding of RELATIVE SPACE TIME concept. It understands that Einstein’s ontology given its tropological nature, it builds essentially the concept of relativity among the relations between language and thought according to a semiotic perspective. So, the main objective of our paper intends to analyze Einstein’s Relative Space according to Semiotic approach when it intends   to discuss the role of language and thought in Albert Einstein’s categorization, figurativisation, metaphorisation of relative space-time. The second objective aims to present new interdisciplinary perspectives between Anthropology and Semiotics, when it analyses Einstein’s innovative method in Modern Physics. Einstein’s method verified in May, 29th, 1919, in Sobral, Brazil, as it took a total eclipse of the sun as a new method of investigation in Modern Physics.  Our approach takes an interdisciplinary perspective, and it considers the main contributions of prominent theorists in Structural Anthropology, Hermeneutics and Semiotics, such as Charles Sanders Pierce, Ferdinand De Saussure, Emile Benveniste, G. Frege, Claus Emmeche, Winfried Noth, Claude Levi-Strauss, Gaston Bachelard, Gilbert Durand, Clifford Geertz, and Paul Ricouer in order to discuss the role of language and symbolic thought in the modes of reality comprehension, taking Einstein’s relative space-time conceptualization, figurativisation and metaphorisation. Since Einstein’s innovative scientific experience is considered to be one of the most important contributions to Modern Physics, we argue that our confirmations so far obtained and here presented on the Physics of Einstein, if they do not completely solve Einstein’s long standing enigma of relative space-time conceptualization, they point at least to some beacons in this very much complex but fascinating field in the relations of man-language-myth-world relations.