New Forms of Participation

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 5:30 PM-7:20 PM
Room: Booth 65
RC10 Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management (host committee)

Language: English

We suggest developing further a “post-dialogical” approach that is more focused on social, professional and scientific mediation and cooperation. This leads us to emphasize the models and devices of mediation and cooperation theoretical background that enable to come out of the current dead ends in democratic participation and sustainable development. The stake of the session is basically to investigate the conditions and modalities of cooperative democracy and democratic cooperation namely within political public sphere of environmental issues, firms and states, at the workplace and in the territory spaces. It is an opportunity to identify in the processes of change and governance the conditions for theoretical conception and practical translation of the social pattern of contradictory collective and individual interests. Long term multi-levels and multi-actors environmental and societal transition will be discussed. We propose to study the spectrum of the conditions and modalities of mediation and cooperation with respect to power, activity and research. We wish to focus in particular upon the factors of change, whether they relate to stances, conducts, capacities or identities of the actors. The analysis of activities involving professional and social dialogue, or some alternative work organisation that would possibly replace the Scientific Management of Work, especially those referring to the model of the cooperatives and self-management of firms. The field studies in the public spaces could address the territory-based policies, the new urban and rural experiments, their impact in terms of way of life, and the political significances that the actors assign them.
Session Organizers:
Martine LEGRIS REVEL, Université Lille 2, France and Vera VRATUSA, Belgrade University, Serbia
Vera VRATUSA, Belgrade University, Serbia
Ombudsman: Bureaucracy, Sistem and Public Sphere (Oral Presentation)
José Antonio CALLEGARI, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil; Marcelo PEREIRA DE MELLO, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil

Designing Technology-Mediated Democracy: Case Citizen Participation in Urban Planning through Mobile Apps (Oral Presentation)
Titiana-Petra ERTIÖ, University of Turku, Finland

New Forms of Participation in the Social Welfare in the City of Barcelona (Oral Presentation)
Teresa MONTAGUT, University of Barcelona, Spain