The Impact of Disasters on Culture, Livelihood, and Material Goods
The Impact of Disasters on Culture, Livelihood, and Material Goods
Thursday, July 17, 2014: 10:30 AM-12:20 PM
Room: Booth 48
RC39 Sociology of Disasters (host committee) Language: English
Disasters have an immediate and long-term impact on communities. They provide unanticipated opportunities for growth and adaptation, mitigation of threat to livelihood or cultural survival, or, at times, may result in community collapse. Disruption to life-ways also alters the relationship between people and the material objects used for economic exchange, religious and spiritual life, replication of cultural identity, artistic expression, and memory. This session seeks to explore processes of cultural change and continuity of communities in the face of disasters and what role material goods play in these processes.
Session Organizer:
Etched In Stone: Preservation Of Cemeteries and Cultural Identity (Oral Presentation)
The Impact of the East Japan Great Earthquake on Community in a Small Village (Oral Presentation)
Logic behind Life Reconstruction in the Mt. Unzen-Fugen Eruption Disaster (Oral Presentation)