ICTs and Social Inequalities

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 8:30 AM-10:20 AM
Room: Booth 44
RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology (host committee)

Language: English

Session Organizer:
Binay K. PATTNAIK, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Digital Inclusion or Digital Exclusion? The Second Order Divide in Taiwan (Oral Presentation)
Shu-Fen TSENG, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Patterns of ICTs Using and Information Flow: A Study of Rural India (Oral Presentation)
Ku MANUSHI, JNU, India; Prakash Chandra DILARE, JNU, India

No Wires Attached? Displacement of Power through Information Technology (Oral Presentation)
Mikael KIVEL�, University of Helsinki, Finland

Conceptualising Privacy, Securing Identity: An Information Solution (Oral Presentation)
Nuala CONNOLLY, National University of Ireland, Ireland

Who Finds out and Contributes to Energy Decisions in Switzerland after Fukushima? (Oral Presentation)
Fabienne CRETTAZ VON ROTEN, Obs Science, Politique, Soci�t�, Switzerland