Production, Circulation, and Consumption of Visual Conceptual Frames

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 3:30 PM-5:20 PM
Room: 313+314
WG03 Visual Sociology (host committee)
RC37 Sociology of Arts

Language: English

The mainstream analyses of visual materials analytically separate between stages of production, circulation and consumption, and order these stages chronologically. This session will offer a break from this classic analysis by blurring the borderlines between these practices and by reordering them, suggesting variety of means by which conceptual frames are visualized (and re-visualized).
Session Organizers:
Regev NATHANSOHN, University of Michigan, USA and Paulo MENEZES, University of S�o Paulo, Brazil
Mateusz HALAWA, Instytut Filozofii i Sociologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Poland
G�ls�m DEPELI, Hacettepe University, Turkey
Cold War 2.0 Visual Conflicts: American Visual Constructions of the Chinese 'cyber Threat' (Oral Presentation)
Daniel GARRETT, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Friends, Comrades and The Aesthetic Melting Pot: Instagram As a Tool Of Propaganda (Oral Presentation)
Ayelet KOHN, Hadassah Academic College, Israel

Performance As Resistance: The Taino Show (Oral Presentation)
Jorge CAPETILLO, University of Massachusetts at Boston, USA; Julian JEFFERIES, California State University, Fullerton, USA

Redefining The Public Space Through Art and Culture Events�The Case Of Bat Yam City In Israel (Oral Presentation)
Dr. Yael GUILAT, Oranim Academic College, Israel

The Origin of the World: Analysis, Representation and Performance (Oral Presentation)
Sarah WILSON, University of Stirling, United Kingdom; Syd KROCHMALNY, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

From Real to Ideal: Visual Narrations of Collective Traumas and Identities (Distributed Paper)
Vicky KARAISKOU, Cyprus Open University, Cyprus

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