Cultural Capital and Parenting in Global Asia

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 3:30 PM-5:20 PM
Room: 419
RC06 Family Research (host committee)

Language: English

In the United States, there is a heated debate about the strengths and weakness of Asian �Tiger Mom� tactics for child rearing. Likewise, many parents in East Asia are anxious about how to prepare the next generation for the future. Thus, many of them push their children to master the English language, to study abroad, and/or to pursue an internationally recognized diploma. This increasingly prevalent phenomenon of �internationalization/globalization of parenting repertoire� has motivated us to organize a panel to discuss new sociological approaches to studying parenting that combine insights from both cultural sociology and family studies. In brief, this panel seeks to discuss how Asian families blend local and global culture in and through their childrearing practices. We will also examine how fathers and mothers deliberate socialization by utilizing a cultural toolkit that comes across national borders. Particularly, one focus of the panel is to explore the formation and practices of cultural capital among (East) Asian families in relation to the importance of social class. To initiate a dialogue among different East Asian societies, this panel plans to include researchers who study Japanese, Taiwanese, and Asian American families. This inquiry will not only elaborate our understanding of the changing contour of East Asian families, but will also further develop theories about culture formation within and outside of East Asian families.
Session Organizer:
Yi-Ping Eva SHIH, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Tiger Parents in a Globalized World: Class, Immigration and Transnationalism (Oral Presentation)
Pei-chia LAN, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Culture As the Parenting Toolkit: Class and Globalization in East Asian Families (Oral Presentation)
Yi-Ping Eva SHIH, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

What Determines the Parent-Child Relationship?: Filial Piety, Economic Dependency, or Intimacy "CANCELLED" (Oral)
Seil OH, Sogang University, South Korea; Woojeong KANG, Sogang University, South Korea; Soo Hyeon KIM, Sogang University, South Korea; Seong Won PARK, Sogang University, South Korea; Jungeun LEE, Sogang University, South Korea

The Joint Impact of Paternal and Maternal Parenting Styles on Children's High-School Academic Achievement in Taiwan (Oral Presentation)
Ping-Yin KUAN, National Chengchi University, Taiwan; Chih-Tsan WANG, Nan Hua University, Taiwan

Attitudes on Gay Parenting Across Countries (Distributed Paper)
Christian Michael ENTOMA, Social Weather Stations, Philippines

See more of: RC06 Family Research
See more of: Research Committees