Theme I.1 Beyond Dichotomization: Informality and the Challenges of Governance in Cities of the Global North and South

Monday, July 14, 2014: 10:30 AM-12:20 PM
Room: 311+312
RC21 Regional and Urban Development (host committee)

Language: English

Session Organizers:
Diane DAVIS, Harvard University, USA and Julie-Anne BOUDREAU, INRS, Canada
Crisis and (re-)Informalisation Processes: The Cases of Barcelona and Berlin (Oral Presentation)
Marc PRADEL, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

“Planning the Unplanned” - Trajectories of Managing the Informal in the Urban North (Oral Presentation)
Christian HAID, Technical University Berlin, Germany

The Rules That Govern Peoplexs Lives: Informality in Tallinn, Bafatá and Berlin (Oral Presentation)
Hanna HILBRANDT, The Open University, United Kingdom; Susana NEVES ALVES, University College London, United Kingdom; Tauri TUVIKENE, University College London, United Kingdom

Making Delhi 'world-Class': Relations Between Informal Service Sector Workers and the 'new' Middle Class (Oral Presentation)
Seth SCHINDLER, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Governance As an Emergent Compromise: Access to State Service Delivery in an Islamabad Squatter Settlement (Oral Presentation)
Ijlal NAQVI, Singapore Management University, Singapore

Informality and the Forging of an Assemblage Urbanism in the Indian City of Patna (Distributed Paper)
Aditya MOHANTY, Central University of Bihar, India