Roundtable B

Vincenzo FORTUNATO, Università della Calabria, Italy
Oral Presentations:
Incidencia Del Capital Social En El Logro Ocupacional: Comparando Procesos Que Generan Desigualdad Social
Vicente ESPINOZA, USACH; Emmanuelle BAROZET, Universidad de Chile; Rafael REY, Universidad de la República
Labour Market Inequalities:Self-Employed Professionals in Europe and Latin America
Renata SEMENZA, University of Milan Dept. of Social and Political Sciences; Simone SARTI, University of Milan, Dept. of Social and Political Sciences
Distribution of Income and Social Inequality, in the Structure of Classes in Latin America
Eduardo CHAVEZ MOLINA, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani; Patricio SOLIS, El Colegio de Mexico