“Teacher Stress and Burnout and teacher Resilience”

Anastasia LIASIDOU, St. Mary's University, United Kingdom
Oral Presentations:
"Teacher Knows Best?": Parents' Approach to Warning Signs of Early Literacy Problems
Brittany ETMANSKI, University of Waterloo; Janice AURINI, University of Waterloo
The Teacher Is a Victim of Education Modernization in Russia
Natalia AZERBAEVA, Tula state University
The Construction of Inclusive Higher Education in Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina: Institutional Strategies and Students' Perspectives.
Ada FREYTES FREY, Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda/Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche
From Framing to Normalized Pedagogy: An Empirical Study on the Interaction between Teachers and Students
Tien-Hui CHIANG, Zhengzhou University; Qian ZHOU, School of Education, Zhengzhou University