The Role of Creativity and Storytelling to Address Power Inequalities and Structural Violence
The paper analyses how the process of layering multiple forms of creative expression in order to tell personal and collective stories exposes new perspectives at the interface between personal and structural lenses on understanding violence. The paper argues that through layering reflective creative storytelling processes (both personal and collective), differential experiences and responses to violence become more accessible for discussion. This uncovering in turn provokes new questions about the sources of problems, in order to challenge gendered and intersecting power inequalities, such as race and sexuality, that block pathways of transformative change for marginalised men and women. Furthermore, where research enables an inclusive group-building process, it can reveal new capacities for action to respond to the concerns raised.
The insights generated from a critical assessment of this layered methodological approach point to the need to build relational understandings of violence and injustice, grounded in everyday contexts, and on the role for creative story-based methodologies within this.