Model of Social and Institutional Innovation. a Reflection from the Theory of Moral Agency and the New Institutionalism in Sociology

Monday, 16 July 2018
Distributed Paper
Victoria SANAGUSTIN-FONS, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Francisco SAGAHON, University of Guanajuato, Mexico
In this research, a reflection is made on how public administrations, considered as the instruments for the application of public policies, are increasing their transparent behaviour according to certain indicators. We propose a model of socio-institutional innovation for the implementation of a participatory and open government; also an effective control of agency problems in public organizations, aimed at individual and social empowerment by harnessing the generalization of information and communication technologies, social networks and incidental organizations.

For this and considering that during the last two decades have been applied management logic to public management, a theoretical review of the concepts used since the new institutionalism in sociology is done together with the description of secondary data and testimonies corroborating the theoretical hypotheses , structuring this communication in three parts; firstly, the thesis on the how and why of transparency and accountability in Spain is proposed, starting with the promulgation of Law 19/2013 on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, which responds to a citizenship increasingly interested and concerned to eliminate corruption, socially trusted and with greater use of information and knowledge. Then, as a questioning of the above, in the day to day of certain organizations, we reflect on the problem of moral agency in public entities. Finally, a model of innovation is proposed taking elements of the different theories mainly those that come from reflections such as du Gay (2013, 2017) and Du Gay & Lopdrup-Hjorth (2014) about post-bureaucratic' Public Management perspective and Organizational and State Phobia.