Companies As the Perpetrators of Human Trafficking in the Eastern Part of Indonesia

Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Distributed Paper
Dominggus LI, IRGSC (Institute of Resource Governance and Social Change, Indonesia
The problem of human trafficking is not only linked with the unknown entity, but the perpetrators of human trafficking also come from companies such as labor agencies, multi-national palm plantation companies. In the era of free market, these companies are untouchable even they are known as the perpetrators of human trafficking. Here the state institutions are not functioned as the protectors of citizen, rather the state institutions have functioned as the agent of free market. It guarantees the companies to access labor market without implementing certain standard to guard the most vulnerable citizens. This research shows how different element of human trafficking practices by companies. This research is done to highlight how the vulnerable people from NTT Province are exploited by different companies in the last three years. NTT Province itself is known as backward, and experienced long term social exclusion under Indonesian government.