Fear of Crime, Disorders, Incivilities and Social Cohesion in Brazil

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 18:54
Oral Presentation
Arthur COSTA, University of Brasilia, Brazil
Marcelo DURANTE, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil
This article analyzes the fear of crime among residents of the Brazil Federal District using data from a victimization Survey conducted by the Public Security Secretariat of the Federal District in 2015. We have found three factors that proved to be central to the explanation of fear: Noise of shooting, people being assaulted, and distrust among neighbors. In all situations, the presence of incivilities was found to be more important than disorders and quality of public services. The presence of car keepers showed to be responsible for the constitution of an alternative social order that leads to the reduction of fear. Finally, sexual violence has been shown to be a key factor for the increasing of fear at home and the existence of areas of drug use in the neighborhood has been shown to be important to increase fear at night.