Sociology, Environment and the Senses: Environmental Perception in the Xxist Century.
Here is where a central sociological question emerges: what is the social perception of the environment. Do people understand the environment to be related to their everyday life, or only present in the countryside? How are the ever growing cities being perceived? Once we pass through these obvious questions, we are urged to make some more complex reflections on how we are approaching perception studies. Crossing the environmental with the sociological epistemologic turn to bodies and emotions, it is possible to come closer to a new understanding. In what ways our bodies and sensibilities not only interact but construct the so called environment? Which is the boundary between the skin and the environment, the air and water with the perception of certain landscape? How are these connections and disconnections, socially elaborated? We aim at revising Maturana and Varela’s perspective, to analyze the enactive approach, among other conceptual tools new to the environmental sociology field.