Advancing Environmental Sociology for Future Directions. Part I

Monday, 16 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC24 Environment and Society (host committee)

Language: Spanish and English

What are the core concepts and new insights in environmental sociology that have contributed to scholarship and praxis, and what theoretical advances are needed? Since the early 1970s, environmental sociology has successfully “brought nature back in” to sociology. Environmental sociology has become one of the strongest sub­-disciplines in sociology. But are the prevailing core concepts in our field adequate to describe, understand and explain contemporary and global environmental challenges? What is the need for conceptual innovation to better understand and cope with our most demanding environmental problems and risks today and in the future? This session will look into recent theoretical developments and emerging research topics in environmental sociology. The emphasis of this session will be on papers that stretch the boundaries of environmental sociology; that challenge us to think in new ways about the objects of environmental sociological inquiry and the conceptual tools; and that stimulates us to new subjects and partners in our sociological endeavor.
Session Organizer:
Peter OOSTERVEER, Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands


    Roundtable A
    Roundtable B
    Roundtable C
    Roundtable D
    Roundtable E