Leisure for Well-Being: The Z Generation’s Mood

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 15:40
Oral Presentation
Fabio Massimo LO VERDE, University of Palermo, Italy
This paper is going to present the results of a research carried out among young Italians born between 1998 and 2000 attending high school. The research aimed at comparing their idea of well-being with that of older generations by looking at leisure practices (tradionalists: born between 1922-1943; baby boomers: 1945-1964; Generation X: 1965-1980; Generation Y: 1981-1994; Hamilton 2016).
The empirical base of the study is made of:
a) 500 questionnairs administered to a non-probabilistic sample of high school students living in a city in the South of Italy. Respondents were asked to describe their idea of well-being and also whether leisure time and the way they practice is a relevant part of it or not;
b) 50 in-depth interviews with subjects from other generations in order to investigate their concepts of well-being and leisure time and how the two intersect each other;
c) a series of analyses of cultural products (movies, books, song lyrics, kinds of issues treated in youth magazines, etc.) taken as “icons” (i.e. milestones) in the cultural and value systems of the different generations with regards to the concept of well-being and its relationship with leisure practices in the past.
Framed within a sociological-generationalist perspective (Mannheim, 1928), this comparison is going to see how the definition itself of well-being changes significantly not only historically with regards to the different life experiences and leisure practices of different generations, but also with regards to the way in which the meaning of well-being in leisure time changes according to the different level of sharing and “sociality” that is attached to it, i.e. a public or private dimension differently experienced as “essential” by different generations.