Mobile Communication and Leisure Practices in a Connected World
Mobile Communication and Leisure Practices in a Connected World
Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC13 Sociology of Leisure (host committee) Language: English
Today mobile phones have come to be our catalysts of time. All current research shows that people spend two or three hours using them for accessing social media, videogames and other utilities. While in the recent past these uses were mostly done by children and young people, now it is also the adults and the old people that use mobile phones for entertainment during their leisure time. Ranging from information services to apps for mulptiple uses such as fitness, health, etc., people’s daily leisure practices are more and more mediated by apps. How does this phenomen develop in different countries? Can apps become a tool for collective action for specific social and political issues?
Session Organizers:
Oral Presentations