Social and LEGAL Systems
Social and LEGAL Systems
Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
RC12 Sociology of Law (host committee) Language: English and Spanish
The increase in complexity that the digital society has brought to Law transformed, definitely, its modern bases. The idea of a Nation-State, common in the modern reality of law, is challenged in such a way that legal and social systems now communicate in speeds completely different than before. Categories such as complexity and risk bring to Law a new way of production and application, based on horizontality, circularity and global constitutionalization. The Law imposed (the State) loses, constantly, its legitimacy. The Law negotiated is even more important. The top down logic is challenged, in the name of an idea of law from the bottom up. With all this in mind, the present article attempts to materialize these discussions, especially working with the idea that legal systems multiply, recreate and maintain themselves mutually in the global social system
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