Autonomy of Politics and Economy As a Challenge for the Former Communist Countries: A Comparative Perspective
In theoretical terms, the paper draws from Niklas Luhmann’s social systems theory. Methodologically, it applies quantitative (path analysis) and mixed methods (fuzzy sets based qualitative comparative analysis). It demonstrates that a radical break with the former communist regime is sufficient for the self-organisation of the political subsystem and necessary for the radical market reforms. The latter, on the other hand, are sufficient but not necessary for the self-organisation of the economic subsystem, indicating a variety of ways into market economy. Moreover, though this is far from typical, a democratic self-organised political subsystem can also be established without a radical break with the past, as demonstrated in the case of Slovenia. Due to its specifics, this case is thus more precisely analysed, connecting the change and continuity in social structures with the reproduction of the political and economic imaginaries through the dominant discourses.