Marx in Latin America: Economy, Politics and Citizen Participation in Ecuador

Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Distributed Paper
Napoleon VELASTEGUI BAHAMONDE, Colegio de SociĆ³logos del Guayas, Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
Marx in Latin America: Economy, Politics and Citizen Participation in Ecuador

Author: Napoleón Velástegui Bahamonde.

E-mail: nvelasteguib@gmail.com

Keywords: Economy, Society, Property Relations, Citizen Participation, State.

General objective

To analyze, from the economy and the politics, the property structure in Ecuador, its corresponding social relations of production and the achievements of the citizen participation.

Specific objectives

  • Examine the contradictions in the socioeconomic and property structure.
  • Systematize the approaches and results of the "socialism of the twenty-first century" developed.
  • Analyze the level of Citizen Participation in relation to the application of theoretical models along with the social praxis of the Citizen Revolution.

Theoretical framework

Capital, a relationship. The Market, a visibly unequal hand.

"Capital" is a relation of antagonistic classes at a particular point in history.

"Both juridical relations and forms of State cannot be understood by themselves or by the intended general evolution of the human spirit, but rather have their roots in the material conditions of life (civil society)"

"The anatomy of civil society must be sought in political economy."

He pointed out that: "The Commune has demonstrated, above all, that 'the working class cannot simply be limited to taking possession of the state machine as it is and using it for its own purposes'


  • Systematization of variables and indicators of the contradictions of the Ecuadorian socio-economic structure and its ownership structure.
  • Theory and practice of XXI Century Socialism in Ecuador 2007-2017.
  • Conceptualization of the processes of "citizen participation" under the approaches and achievements of "Socialism of S. XXI" in Ecuador and the rol of the State.