“Stories Mirror Our Society Here”: Connecting People Real Life to Motivations for Change in an Education-Entertainment Radio-Drama in Mozambique
In 2017, an exploratory study, through phone in-depth interviews, was conducted in order to assess Ouro Negro listeners opinions and practices related to radio-drama and to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. Quantitative data from other M&E tools were also explored.
Results show that listeners follow regularly the radio-drama and talk about it with family members and friends and the audience satisfaction is very high. Looking at inner motivations for change, strong linkages were identified between findings inputs from formative research, content analysis of stories and findings of audience research. Conclusions point out that Ouro Negro has been successful in reaching the target audience, reinforcing interpersonal communication, and achieving behavior and social change contributing to promote children rights. Key findings circle around the inner motivation of the target audiences and enabling them to make choices that allow them to live their lives as they wish.