Youth Inequalities and Their Implications for Transitions to Adulthood Patterns

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC28 Social Stratification (host committee)

Language: English


Over the past decades, family structures and gender roles have diversified, income and educations inequalities by gender and race changed in different directions and labour market experienced intense transformations. What the implications for transitions to adulthood? The session proposal is to discuss theoretical and empirical researches about the young people in context of social and economical inequalities and its implications for transitions to adulthood. Works examining gender differences in school-to-work transitions, school dropouts, labor market entry, different education returns, motherhood and fatherhood, are all invite. 

Session Organizer:
Felicia PICANCO, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Felicia PICANCO, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oral Presentations
Parental Joblessness and the School-to-Work Transition in Australia and the United States
Matthew CURRY, University of Melbourne, Australia; Irma MOOI-RECI, University of Melbourne, Australia
Rich Country, Poor Chances? How Institutions and Resources Shape School-to-Work Transitions of Disadvantaged Students in Germany
Laura MENZE, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany; Reinhard POLLAK, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
Child Labor: Between Family and Contextual Determinants
Cinthia Barros de Miranda CINTHIA BARROS, Social Development Ministry, Brazil; Danielle Cireno FERNANDES, University federal of Minas Gerais, Brazil