From World Religions to Axial Civilizations

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC56 Historical Sociology (host committee)

Language: English

This panel aims to define the various ways in which a particular epoch called forth distinct forms of reflection upon the nature of the supernatural realm by cohesive groups of intellectuals. This "Axial Age" saw the birth of salvation religions in ancient India (Hinduism and Buddhism) and ancient Israel (Judaism), and distinct philosophical schools in ancient Greece and China (Confucianism). This panel investigates the role played by the “world reigions” at the origin of this epoch and in subsequent centuries. The panel queries whether later transformations - for example, the development of Islamicate civilization on the one hand and Early Modern transformations (e.g. Natural law) in the West on the other hand -- can be best conceptualized as clear legacies of Axial Age developments.
Session Organizers:
Said ARJOMAND, State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA and Stephen KALBERG, Boston University, USA
Oral Presentations
Christianization and Byzantinization of Russia: Transmission of Axial Age Legacies
Yulia PROZOROVA, Sociological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Distributed Papers