Visual Methods in “the Posts, Post-Posts and Neo-Posts”: Representation, Non-Representationalism, and Social Justice Research
Visual Methods in “the Posts, Post-Posts and Neo-Posts”: Representation, Non-Representationalism, and Social Justice Research
Thursday, 19 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC57 Visual Sociology (host committee) Language: English
Gillian Rose (2016) argues that although there has been a great deal of cross-disciplinary theoretical study of visuals, visuality, visual economies, and affective, embodied, and structured dimensions of visuals, it remains the case that the field of visual research methods has not yet fully engaged with a range of methodological, epistemological, and ontological debates. This session seeks to engage with a range of cross-disciplinary debates and how they might work widen and deepen the scope of visual sociology and visual methodologies. We invite papers that combine a focus on social justice, conceptually and/or empirically and on visual research practices through the lenses of what Patti Lather calls “the posts, post-posts and neo-posts.” This could include work that combines visual methods with diverse theoretical, epistemological and ontological frameworks: i.e. relational ontologies, performativity, posthumanism, non-representational theory and methods, the vitality of matter, and entanglements between politics, ethics, epistemologies, and ontologies. Methodological approaches could include, among many others: praxiographic, post qualitative, diffractive methodologies, Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies, non-representational ethnographies as well as research informed by agential realism, ecological thinking, and/or new materialisms. We invite papers situated either in field research, theoretical exploration, or reflective pieces engaging tensions between representation and non-representationalism that fall under the purview of visual social justice research. Generally we ask: how are recent theoretical, methodological, epistemological and/or ontological advances pushing back against traditional representational frames and how do these moves enrich or complicate our visual analysis?
Session Organizers:
Oral Presentations
Distributed Papers