Towards the Transition of a New Innovation Policy in Developing Countries
Towards the Transition of a New Innovation Policy in Developing Countries
Thursday, 19 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology (host committee) Language: English
Technological change and its effects on State, economy and social development are generating more complex scenarios. In this sense there are emerging imbalances within the power relations of political and economic actors. Nevertheless generation of knowledge, information and technological development would be also capable of coping with problems like justice and social inclusion. This has not been thoroughly taken into consideration. Another issue that contributes to radicalization of the forementioned imbalances is the massive emigration of refugees basically to countries with high economic, political and social standards. All this scenario has deeper implications on developping nations. The case is more explicit in countries, which on one hand don't count on a State apparatus and consolidated and cohesive institutional structures in relation to social demands and, on the other hand, aim at generating social and economic development through modern policies of innovation. This very innovation policy is critiziced because of its pronounced orientation towards technological innovations and the role of capital and business. This innovation policy is also supposed to be neglecting its political responsability to cope with social problems. The purspose of this session is the discussion and presentation of new researchwork that aim at new methodological and theoretical focuses. The session will expand the discussion on formulation of the scientific, technological and innovation policies activity in the context of developed countries and its new relationship with the capital, power, nonviolent, justice and social inclusion.
Session Organizer:
Oral Presentations