Social Movement Theory Beyond Developmentalism

Friday, 20 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC48 Social Movements, Collective Actions and Social Change (host committee)

Language: English

This session debates developmentalism in social movement theory. Social movement theory, implicitly or otherwise, defines the movement by its developmental epoch. Periodisation commonly constructs ‘leading edge’ movements in the socio-economic heartlands, as ‘new’, relegating the rest. With the globalization of development crises – from climate crisis to financial crisis – development ideology has become politicized, for all societies. The ‘developed’ world has itself become the key site of global development problems, while late industrialisers now claim a role as drivers for alternative social models. Increasingly, social movements can gain a key role in challenging and transforming developmentalist models and ideologies. In this context, movement projects can circulate and find new traction across global divides – from occupy the squares, to climate justice. With transnationally-defined social and ecological crises, social movement theory can find new scope and relevance by engaging with critiques of developmentalism. What might this add to our understanding of social movements? What possibilities may this open-up, especially for strengthening Southern theory of movements? What may be its epistemological assumptions or methodological biases? And where, in terms of places and social forces, may it have most application and purchase?
Session Organizers:
James GOODMAN, University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Debal SINGHAROY, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India
Seyed A. HOSSEINI FARADONBEH, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Debal SINGHAROY, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India
Oral Presentations
Civil Society and Climate Change Movement in India: A Critical Evaluation of Development-Environment Dialectic from Rio to Paris
Ruchira TALUKDAR, University of Technology Sydney, Australia; Pradip SWARNAKAR, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, India
Milieus, Demonstration and Party Support: Why Is Anti-Nuclear Public Opinion Represented Poorly in Japanese Policy-Making?
Keiichi SATOH, University of Konstanz, Germany; Kikuko NAGAYOSHI, Tohoku University, Japan
Developmentalism and Climate Movements
James GOODMAN, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Mobilization and Politics during Neoliberal and Posneoliberal Times
Federico SCHUSTER, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina