Transformation and Restructuring of Professions in Globalizing World
Transformation and Restructuring of Professions in Globalizing World
Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups (host committee) Language: English
Professions in both the developed and developing societies are passing through a process of transformation with strengthening of the forces globalization in last more than two decades. The traditional notion of concept of the profession is now acquiring new dimensions as professions have expended their network beyond the national boundaries in developing the requisite skills in order to compete at global level. The transnational flows of people, ideas and objects have repercussions for the professions and professionals located in different parts of the globe. Growth of new communication technologies and global environmental issues paved the way for the emergence of new professional groups and restructuring of the existing professions in the light of changes taking place in the globalizing world. This warrants to explore the pertinent issues related to the transformation and restructuring of professions in the globalizing world.
Session Organizers:
Oral Presentations