The Missing Debate of Gender and Family Violence: What Went Wrong?

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC32 Women in Society (host committee)

Language: English

It is often said that violence starts at home. When confronted with the topic of family violence, the general public is less likely to adopt a sociological stance and more likely to advance rhetoric on the psychology of the batterer and battered, articulate psychoanalytic-inspired perspectives on mother, parent or carer-infant relations, and/or proffer criminology-based explanations of deviance, violent crime and punishment. Sociologists point out that while research on family violence has increased dramatically since the 1970s, the incidence of family violence has not. And yet sociology has much to contribute to the study of family violence. The goal of this panel is to bring together empirically-informed and theoretically rigorous comparative-historical research on family violence that identifies points of tension and consensus within sociology and major points of divergence and convergence between sociology and other disciplines in terms of their understanding of family violence. Multiple geographies, identity and intersectionality are encouraged.  Transnationality and the hybridization of family structures and relations are also aspects to address as families are moving across all sorts of spatial boundaries and building multiple forms of connectivities and tensions.
Session Organizer:
Rima SABBAN, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Rima SABBAN, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Oral Presentations
Family Violence and Gender-Based Violence As Political, Legal and Strategic Concepts in Europe
Carol HAGEMANN-WHITE, University of Osnabrueck, Germany; Thomas MEYSEN, German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law, Germany
Distributed Papers
Universally Held Gender Based Violence, Cultural Tolerance and Its Implications on Marriage Institution Among the Esan People of Nigeria.
Andrew EROMONSELE, Ambrose Alli Univeresity, Nigeria; Agatha N.T. EGUAVOEN, Ambrose Alli Univeresity, Nigeria
See more of: RC32 Women in Society
See more of: Research Committees