Conflictuality in the Digital Space: What Are the Challenges for Military Organizations?
Conflictuality in the Digital Space: What Are the Challenges for Military Organizations?
Friday, 20 July 2018: 10:30-12:20
RC01 Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution (host committee) Language: English and French
Now considered as a space of conflict in its own right, the digital space is characterized by well-known features (polymorphous threats, asymmetry of actors, specific temporality ...) which bring to its highest point the degree of turbulence of digital conflicts. In the face of these highly evolving forms, States must build and evolve original and agile defense policies, structures and tools, guaranteeing the Nation respect for its sovereignty in the digital space and the highest level of Protection against attacks and their effects of any kind. Faced with the mutually contending nature of conflict in the digital space, the need to revisit the fundamental concepts of geopolitics in order to better understand the complexity of this particular space of conflict, a combination of multidisciplinary and comparative approaches is essential Evaluate the adequacy of cyber defense policies and mechanisms to the evolving threats that permeate the digital space. This panel proposes to develop this multidisciplinary approach based on three axes of reflection.
Session Organizers:
Oral Presentations
Distributed Papers