Home and Identity

Wednesday, 18 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC43 Housing and Built Environment (host committee)

Language: English

While the "traditional" family is no longer the norm in most cultures, housing research and policy is often still grounded in traditional assumptions about family formation and life course. This session provides a rich collection of evidence and ideas to challenge conventional wisdom and expand our thinking about what the home means to different inhabitants, and what challenges and changes can be made to accommodate different needs and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
Session Organizer:
Janet L. SMITH, University of Illinois, USA
Oral Presentations
The Orchestration of Work and Home. Teleworkers and Materiality of Home.
Jacek GADECKI, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland; Magdalena ZADKOWSKA, University of Gdansk, Poland; Marcin JEWDOKIMOW, Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland
Researching Home and Identity. Insights from an Educational Field Research
Stephanie CASSILDE, Centre d'Etudes en Habitat Durable, Belgium; Jean-Yves CAUSER, Université de Haute Alsace, Laboratoire C3S, France