Health, Medicine and Risk

Friday, 20 July 2018: 15:30-17:20
TG04 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (host committee)

Language: English

Risk, as a force of social change, can be seen to actively shape our concept of health, responsibility, trust and our relationship to experts and technology. This occurs in the face of the breakdown of traditional norms, beliefs and expectations which in turn is said to free the individual from these ‘constraints’ and allows more flexibility in the life course. At the same time it burdens and shackles the individual with choices and responsibilities by exchanging the constraints of traditional commitments to those of the labour market and consumerism. The proposed session seeks to examine the impact of this re-embedding by exploring the increased dependence upon fashion, social policy, economic cycles and markets on issues of health and illness. It is these themes which can provide insight into behaviours and attitudes of individuals in relation to health and illness, particularly in contemporary Western societies where health status can be argued to be a central theme of existence

Session Organizer:
Jeremy DIXON, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Oral Presentations
Risk and the Body in Public Health
Debra KRIGER, University of Toronto, Canada
Transforming Clients into Experts-By-Experience: Health Risk Governance and Client Participation in Dutch Long Term Care.
Bert DE GRAAFF, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands; Annemiek STOOPENDAAL, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
HIV Risk Management in Gay Men’s Virtual and Non Virtual Social-Sexual Networks in the Era of PrEP
Jaime RANGEL, University of Toronto, Canada; Rory CRATH, Smith College - Faculty of Social Work, USA; Adam GAUBINGER, Smith College - Faculty of Social Work, USA
Distributed Papers
In Risk We Trust/ Life Engineering - Among Uncertainty, Hope, and Hype
Eva SLESINGEROVA, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany