Precarious Labour, Life and Urban Struggle

Thursday, 19 July 2018: 17:30-19:20
RC44 Labor Movements (host committee)

Language: English

Precariousness and social inequality are arguably today’s main issues in the social sciences and beyond and signal a common condition across contexts. In both the global North and South, people contend with deep insecurities of work and of life. Yet it remains unclear how these paradigm shifts are articulated with the dynamics of capital circulation and production in historically and geographically uneven World regions, particularly at an urban level, and how different compositions of capital create new subaltern groups, new collective subjectivities and new (or renewed) forms of struggles. This panel seeks papers that engage with understanding the specific dynamics of processes of capitalist accumulation and connect the question of who, where and how capital is produced to possibilities of workers’ organisation and mobilisation. How do struggles around labour and life stake claims which alter the circulation and production of value (and values)? How does such politics emerge from the fissures within these relations? Are there collective formations and identifications which rebound in specific spaces (and of particular interest to us are cities)? How might contests of labour and livelihoods converge in cities to remap political economic processes as well as offer connections within such spaces to new forms of collectivity and new struggles?
Session Organizers:
Maurizio ATZENI, Centre for Labour Relations, National Research Council of Argentina, Argentina and Bridget KENNY, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Thembi LUCKETT, University of Witswatersrand, South Africa
Oral Presentations
Young workers and trade unions in Brazil today: Creative tension and tactical innovations
Natalia CINDRA FONSECA, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Marco SANTANA, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
See more of: RC44 Labor Movements
See more of: Research Committees