Family and Social Unit - Interconnection and Interdependence

Saturday, 21 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC06 Family Research (host committee)

Language: English

Family in broader terms indicate a social unit where each and every individual as the member of the unit contribute towards its development .Social ethos of the units may  vary  with the variation of the customs , culture and the environment of the surroundings, the purpose remains the same. Considering the power structure of the unit as an important factor towards the development of broader family unit , the present session invites abstract from the interested participants  on the following  subthemes

1Community as a bigger unit of the family ; its effect on the society.

2. Family as the smaller segment of the society and its characteristic features.

3 Family –Community interaction;   who survives?

4 Effect of Political   Power structure  on the family and the community.

5. Power structure  effect on the family as a unit.

Session Organizer:
Maitreyee BARDHAN ROY, Diamond Harbour Women University, India
Maitreyee BARDHAN ROY, Diamond Harbour Women University, India
Oral Presentations
Emergence of Single Mother Families: A Case from Urban India
Pooja Shree MISHRA, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
Distributed Papers
Muslim Women As a Home-Maker and an Earner in West Bengal, India
Rumi DEY, Rani Dhanya Kumari College,, India
See more of: RC06 Family Research
See more of: Research Committees