Racialization of Muslims: Policing, Security and Anti-Muslim Racism

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC05 Racism, Nationalism, Indigeneity and Ethnicity (host committee)

Language: English

This session addresses the racialization of Muslims, particularly in the context of concerns around policing and security. Papers are invited to examine the processes of racialization, emanating both from state policies and from state, media and popular discourse that serve to link Muslims to a range of crimes and behaviours marking them out as uniquely violent, intolerant, deviant and dangerous. Heightened during the ‘War on Terror’ age and visible in a wide range of international contexts, these processes of racialization show no signs of abating. This session is particularly interested in empirical accounts of the ways in which Muslims are racialized and the concomitant effects in terms of anti-Muslim racism and impacts on identity and belonging. Papers submitted to this session may relate to some or all of the following: 

  • Empirical case studies examining the racialization of Muslims through localised experiences and understandings
  • The role of the state in racializing Muslims (such as through integration demands and the invoking of national ‘values’)
  • The role of gender – (such as in racialized representations of the hyper sexualised/violent Muslim male and the submissive/servile Muslim woman)
  • The impact of racialization of Muslims in terms of experiences of Islamophobia/anti-Muslim racism
  • The ways in which Muslims are challenging/resisting processes of racialization
Session Organizer:
Waqas TUFAIL, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
Waqas TUFAIL, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
Oral Presentations
The Unplanned Effects of Racialised Counter-Radicalisation Policy in the UK
Fernan OSORNO, University of Bristol, United Kingdom