Inequalities in Higher Education: The Global Struggle for Access, Sustainability, and Success

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: 08:30-10:20
RC04 Sociology of Education (host committee)

Language: English

Mass participation in higher education and the appalling attrition and failure rate, globally, must force a critical interrogation of policy and practice with respect to the politically and socially correct policies on widening access to higher education and its uneasy relationship with ensuring sustainability and ensuring success. Ian Scott (2014) argues that the ‘predictors’ are dismally consistent across many contexts. Student’s socio-economic background is directly linked to their chances of success (Bourdieu and Passerson, 1971 and Walpole, 2003), as cited by Scott (2014). Therefore, the key area of contestation would remain a system of higher education made up of organisations that perpetuate class inequality with a dubious understanding of the diversity of its student population and the pre-conceived notions of their ability to compete equally and successfully with their counterparts from other racial and socio-economic groups, that such notions deliberately sustain the status quo with little effort at reforming embedded and intransigent traditions that have come to characterise institutions of higher learning. This session therefore intends to focus on the following:
a. Is mass participation in higher education sustainable?
b. Can institutions of higher learning attribute level of success to social class and          absolve themselves from responding to the needs of such students in terms of how they teach, what they teach and why they teach what they teach?
c. Do institutions of higher learning link their vision and missions to the broader societal imperatives of development?
Session Organizers:
Shaheeda ESSACK, Nat Dept Higher Education & Training, South Africa and Gokhan SAVAS, Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey
Oral Presentations
Equity and Mass Participation in Mexican Higher Education. an Analysis of Two Vulnerable Groups.
Judith PEREZ-CASTRO, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Inequalities in Higher Education in Nigeria: An Analysis of Public and Private Universities in Adamawa State
Fatimah SA'AD, Federal College of Education, Yola, Nigeria; Abdul-Mumin SA'AD, Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Social Inequality or a Path to Success? Perceptions about the Professional Training Received at Intercultural Universities in Mexico: The Case of the Intercultural in the State of Hidalgo.
Servando GUTIÉRREZ, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico; David Francisco RAMIREZ, Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico; Clara Elena VALLADARES, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico; Adriana GUTIERREZ, Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico
New Inequalities Caused By Digital Technologies in Higher Education?
Isabel STEINHARDT, University of Kassel, Germany
Mooc and Inequality in Society: The Chance to Overcome Inequality or Transfer It into Online Environment
Tatiana SEMENOVA, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation
Distributed Papers
Unequal Opportunities in an Open-Access and Tuition-Free Education System. the Case of Retention and Graduation from Higher Education in Argentina
Cecilia ADROGUE, CONICET - Universidad de San Andres, Argentina; Ana Maria GARCIA DE FANELLI, CEDES - CONICET, Argentina